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Free Download Mp3 The Script Long Gone And Moved On

  1. The Script Long Gone
  2. The Script Long Gone And Moved On Lyrics

Advertisement Over the past few months, I’ve been contacted by a good number of readers who have had problems downloading our guides, or why they can’t see the login buttons or comments not loading; and in 99% of cases, it’s because they’re running one these plugins – AdBlock, NoScript, or Ghostery – which I shall hereby refer to as the “trifecta of evil”. AdBlock Matt has already written an extensive article on why One of the reasons for the Internet’s surge in popularity is the cost of most online content – or rather, the lack of cost. That’s not to say the content is free, however. Almost every., but I want to throw my own opinion in here too. For those of you who don’t know, AdBlock silently removes all advertising and social buttons.

The thing is – those ads pay my salary, as well as the other full time editors, professionals writers, and dedicated server costs that make MakeUseOf what it is. We believe strongly in a free content model – whereby we provide free, high quality, full content to you with no restrictions – in exchange for showing you advertising. Apologies if you think my definition of free is defective, but you’re arguing over semantics and kind of missing the point. What makes me angry about the AdBlock plugin is that the author – while happy to destroy our revenue stream – is also profiteering from the very same free content model by asking for PayPal donations when the plugin is installed. Talk about hypocrisy. I understand that some adverts can be annoying – and we do try to remove any that auto-play a video or make noise on page load as soon as we identify them (contrary to popular belief, site owners do not choose the ads that get displayed, but we can kill them off if we find inappropriate or annoying ones, and we have requested that no such video ads be displayed as a general rule) – but the free content model is entirely what keeps the online world afloat. If you want online content to all be premium priced then go right ahead and continue using Adblock.

Ultimately you need to remember that if everyone cheated the system like AdBlock users do, the Internet would only exist behind paywalls. NoScript In days gone by, Javascript was the bane of the Internet, along with flashing GIF’s. Blocking Javascript used to make sense from both a safety standpoint (most browser vulnerabilities came through Javascript), and a usability perspective (Javascript was initially only used for silly effects and annoying tricks and popups).

But the Internet has very much moved on and evolved from those early days. Browsers aren’t as vulnerable as they used to be. Moreover, Javascript is an integral component of modern HTML5 standards, and jQuery – the most popular Javascript framework – has pushed forward web interfaces far, far beyond pages full of images, links and tables. The modern Internet must have Javascript. So when you use NoScript, you’re breaking the Internet. Not only do you drag webpages 10 years into the past, but you prevent essential modern page components from loading – hit counters and such – which again, hurts our bottom line by not giving us an accurate picture of who visits our page; as well as obviously blocking ads. From a user perspective, you’re going to find a whole host of features that don’t work as expected.

In an ideal world, websites would be able to degrade all of their advanced functionality to users without Javascript with some kind of no-JS alternative. In the real world, we’re limited in what we can do by working hours and budgets – and really, why should we support you if you’re not willing to support us by displaying ads? Ghostery I hadn’t heard of this until recently, but Ghostery appears to be the ultimate do-not-track plugin.

It tells you exactly what companies, ad networks, and tracking services are being downloaded from a site, and allows you to selectively enable them. It presents users with 2 types of cookies (‘trackers’) – those downloaded directly from the site (such as WordPress remembering you’re logged in) – and so-called “3PES” – or third-party elements. The latter are any cookies from ad networks, analytics platforms, and user behavioural trackers. On the one hand, I think it’s important that users are educated about what’s going on behind the scenes on a site. Ghostery maintains a glossary of all the known tracking scripts and the companies they belong to – it’s comprehensive, and I applaud it. But educating people and blocking them are different, and given that the majority of users simply leave it blocking everything, the end result is the exact same as NoScript or Adblock – users enjoying our content, without creating revenue.

So how much can these companies actually “track” your web usage? Well for one, they certainly aren’t able to see what you’re doing in other tabs, other windows, or general Internet searching. They only keep a record of sites in their network which you’ve browsed to.

If company X puts a cookie on the New York Times and MSNBC site, and you browse to both those and Wikipedia, it only knows about the two upon on which it was placed. In other words, they can’t tell that your other tab is open on Asian Hotties or cheatonmywife.com.

By far the easiest way to keep your private browsing actually private is to keep one particular browser, a portable thumbdrive version perhaps, to do all those browsing needs in. So even if a tracking script does follow some of your browsing habits, is it such a big deal? At the very worst end of the scale (that is, not the ones that simply act like hit counters), they’re being used for what’s called a behaviourally-targeted market.

It works like this: you visit a well known car enthusiast site, a cookie lands on your computer saying “this person likes cars”, and any other sites you visit which are curated by the same ad company will find that cookie and say “he likes cars, so let’s show him car ads”. If you think that’s somehow ethically wrong, then stop watching TV, because they do exactly the same thing. During cooking shows, a large number of ads for cooking appliances and kitchen stuff will show. Toys, during kids programming. Heck, there’s even a bus-stop ad campaign in the UK that only shows itself.

Hows that for targeted? Scare tactics are part of the problem, from conspiracy theorists who believe the government is watching them and now the Internet tracking companies know their every move too. Trouble is, a lot of people without technical knowledge on the subject believe those scare tactics. Now the Internet knows you’re secretly into big ladies smothered in whipped cream, and you can be sure they’re going to use it against you. Basically though, it comes down to this – we provide thousands of articles, free book guides, and a community-driven technical support service – in return for which, we ask that you don’t block adverts.


Now I realise of course that I’ve only presented one side of the argument here. I’ll admit right now that when you throw social networks into the mix, we may have serious privacy concerns – because suddenly, all this data can be traced back to you and not simply an anonymous user. I’ll leave that to another time or another author to present that side of the argument though. And just for the record, we won’t be locking you out of the site if you decide to not support us by removing ads. We may show a little message asking you not to do it, but we will never lock you out.

Do you disagree completely with what I’ve said? Feel free to vent your frustrations in the comments.

Or do you agree with me, and think the whole do-not-track movement is crazy? Image credit.

PHP Directory Listing Script Back in 2008 we created the original version of our popular directory listing script. Since then we’ve released three new versions, addressing a number of known issues. In 2015 we completely rebuilt the script from scratch, introducing some handy new features and improvements.

The PHP Directory Listing Script is a highly configurable script, allowing you to simply upload one file into a web-accessible directory, and it’ll be turned into a well formatted, mobile friendly directory browser. With the release of version 4, we’ve got some great new features, including:. Full mobile browser support. The ability to upload multiple files and restrict the allowed file-types. Support for restricting access to the script by either password or IP Address whitelisting (ideal if you want only yourself and clients to have access!).

Support for creating new directories and sub-directories. Upload zip files and extract them automatically, with the option to delete the zip file after it’s been extracted. Optionally hide certain file types, names or extensions, as well as directories. Sort file listings by name, size or last modified date. Finally, the last feature is that the Directory Listing Script now runs as a single file, weighing in at less than 400kb. This means the script runs faster, and is extremely easy to use! All of the new features can be enabled and disabled individually, so whether you’re looking for a full file manager, or a simple list of downloads, the PHP Directory Listing script has you covered.

System Requirements To run the PHP Directory Listing Script on your website, you’ll need to be running PHP 5.3 or above and have the GD2 library installed. If you wish to enable the unzip support, you’ll also need the ZipArchive php extension installed. Download To download the script please. The ZIP file contains all you need to run the script. To setup the script please see the top of index.php. Installation To install the PHP Directory Listing Script, simply extract the zip file and open up the index.php file.

Inside you’ll see a number of options that you can alter. Once you’ve set your options, simply upload the file into your directory and then browse to it from the web. You should now be up and running! Future We’re always open to feedback for improvements and suggestions so please leave any ideas in the comments section below and we’ll do our best to incorporate them into a future update. Written by Ash Young Ash is the captain of the Evoluted ship and makes sure his crew are all heading in the same direction.

Although Ash wanted to be a stockbroker when he was little, he declined the cutthroat life of Gordon Gekko and opted for a more honest, but no less exciting profession as co-founder of Evoluted. Today Ash’s influences are far more balanced and he gains inspiration from Evoluted’s team spirit and outstanding work and President Bartlet’s thoughtful style of leadership. You can follow Ash on. Patrick February 17, 2011 at 11:50 am First: Thanks for sharing this great Script.

It save a lot of work. 🙂 But i have some Bugs, when i did implemented the script in my site. Only if i set the path to “.” i can go to the subdirectories. If i set it to a subdir, than i can see the content, but then i cant go down in other subdir’s. And if I want to download the files via forcedownload, i get a lot of various characters, but no download popup. 🙁 The demo works fine.but i dont know why it doesnt work anymore when i implemented it via include. I hope you can help me.

Dmitry Garanin May 17, 2011 at 6:41 pm I know this directory lister for a couple of years and now I planned its more extensive use. Unfortunately, the output is broken, although filenames are OK.

Also there is no simple customization. Changing the style file is difficult, especially that my web server has a big latency and does not immediately show results of my experiments. I remember with some version of changed style file the output was not broken but the sizes were distorted. If it remains like this, I will have to delete the style file and have a raw output, that will also do the job. A comparable free file lister that I have found is bobbsfilelist. It works but is not customizable and uses while text on a black background that I don’t like.

Free Download Mp3 The Script Long Gone And Moved On

Don McKenzie July 10, 2011 at 9:50 pm Does everything I need, as I have set mine up as a public deposit and viewer for a special interest user group, I have got the contributors to include the following: YYYY-MM-DD-firstname-lastname-filename-Version.zip So that the file explains itself, however if you expanded the width to cater for about another 16 characters, it would be perfect. I tried, but there is too many setting for me to tackle. Found the filename shorten-er, and adjusted that a little. Thanks in advance, Cheers Don. Eric March 10, 2011 at 7:43 am I’m LOVING the script. However, I need to figure something out.

I have multiple directories I want to list files from, but I can’t figure out how to code it. Basically, I have the script in its root folder. Underneath that I have separate users who each have a mod folder. I need the script to display the mod folders of EACH user. For example: it’s currently showing /0figment0/mods (The true path is mcmodders/0figment0/mods) But I also need it to display the contents of /ikeelyou/mods and later on more users as well. How would I code that?

Scott March 15, 2011 at 10:45 am Hello, I was wondering if there was an alternate.css file for the directory listing script that would make the table wider, especially where the file name shows up. Also, seems like with wide screen browsers might be better to make it wider in general Basically I’ve got some long file names and they are getting cut off. Also, is there a way to make the file names not be the bold font in the listing? Super script over all, just trying to figure out how to best tweak it to fit my needs. Eric April 16, 2011 at 11:20 am I never did see an answer to my question regarding this script.

I’ll re-post here. I’m hoping someone else is wondering this too I’m LOVING the script. However, I need to figure something out. I have multiple directories I want to list files from, but I can’t figure out how to code it.

Basically, I have the script in its root folder. Underneath that I have separate users who each have a mod folder. I need the script to display the mod folders of EACH user.

For example: it’s currently showing /0figment0/mods (The true path is mcmodders/0figment0/mods) But I also need it to display the contents of /ikeelyou/mods and later on more users as well. How would I code that? Charliefez July 19, 2011 at 1:33 pm Hi the way i fixed the width issue is purely with the css: first change #container to the overall desired width next change #headerfile to the width you want the file column to be then change #listing a to 40ish px less then your #container #listing a strong gets changed to the width of your file column next change #listing a span to the negative value of half of you file column.

For example i changed #listing a strong to 490px, so #listing a span is -245px #listing a em will be tricky, you have to play around with it depending on how wide everything else is, but change it by 25px in either direction until you find one that works I hope i could help someone with this, if anyone could figure out the large file download issue please let me know! Or that delete button feature, that would be cool although it would probably require a lot of change. Don McKenzie July 25, 2011 at 11:15 pm Thanks Charliefez, took a little while to realize that you needed to change styles.css file. I gave it a try, but found a little of it was ambiguous for me, so I am hoping you can assist further. I wanted to extend the width by 32 characters. I worked my way though the listing as per your instructions, and I ended up with a wider display, but two lines for every file name listing.

Is it possible to give actual figures that should work for me? It would be appreciated very much. One of the few things that restricts this nice little program.

SEO friendly would be great, and Pagination. My page is at: Cheers Don.

Don McKenzie July 26, 2011 at 7:07 am I finally sifted through it, and it appears to work: changes to file styles.css first change #container to the overall desired width changed from 600 to 800 next change #headerfile to the width you want the file column to be changed from 320 to 520 then change #listing a to 40ish px less then your #container changed from 568 to 760 #listing a strong gets changed to the width of your file column changed from 300 to 520 next change #listing a span to the negative value of half of you file column. For example i changed #listing a strong to 490px, so #listing a span is -245px changed from -151 to -260 #listing a em will be tricky, you have to play around with it depending on how wide everything else is, but change it by 25px in either direction until you find one that works have no idea what this does. changes to index.php if(strlen($filename)78) changed the file name length test from 43 to 78, and the next line from 40 to 75. Dungeon August 27, 2011 at 2:01 pm Love the script – been using it for some years until I did a search to find that there’s an updated version!

Coupla tips I’d like to see: 1. Separate out the script into a config.php and index.php so that changing config settings “overrides” any index settings.

Also, use constants (define) where possible, parametrising things like date display format, allowing uploads, optional H1 site title header. Split the CSS file into a positional (widths, font sizes) and a theme (colours, typeface, background, etc). That way people can tinker with one to change widths without breaking colour stuff – and also makes it easier for people to provide some different colour stylesheets whilst allowing sites to retain their custom widths. Last bit, but a minor one – include some changelog as an audit trail in the file.

The last package I downloaded contained two index.php files with differences between them and it’s not obvious which one is the later file (both have “V3”) – consider some minor version control, v3.12 or so, or a changelog to show what differences are. Can the “$hide” array take pattern-matching at all? (eg:.php,.php$). Minor gripes to a major piece of work, guys.

Looking forward to the next incarnation! Werner Coetzee December 14, 2011 at 8:36 am Hi! I have copied the script partially into my website. And I think I noticed something went wrong.

If I have images, and anything listed beneath the images. And you move with your mouse on the file below the image, from the file name to the size, just before you reach the size, the mouse jumps up to the image’s line, and shows the image as thumbnail.

I suspect its some CSS setting about width that needs to be modified, but I cannot find the correct one. Could you perhaps point it out to me? MCBurner March 21, 2012 at 5:57 pm Hi.

It looks like I solved it and I would like to share my changes with you guys as it might help you. Please don’t wonder – I’m not a programmer so it’s maybe “quick n dirty”. John Mosow November 04, 2015 at 5:02 pm I love this new script. But I am having a problem opening files. When I click on a pdf file, I get the following: The requested URL /Members/Index.phpDocuments/Board Meeting Minutes/2015/PLA Board Minutes – 01-2015.pdf was not found on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Not sure why the url is incorrect for the document. My start directory is set to ‘Documents’ and I have tried the includeurl both ways.

Any help is appreciated. John Mosow November 11, 2015 at 3:31 pm Rick, thanks for looking into this. I put the new php script in place and made the changes but it is not acting as I want. Off my web root, I have folders Members/Documents. I have put the script into the Members folder. Here are my settings: public $startDirectory = ‘Documents’; public $includeUrl = true; public $directoryUrl = ‘When I click on one of the folders listed on the page, it is bringing up something completely different.

Also, I do not want anyone viewing any folders above the Documents folder. I assume I would need to put the index.php in the Documents folder. Suggestions on what is happening and how to get what I am looking to do? Rick Mills November 11, 2015 at 3:53 pm Hi John, Sorry to hear you’re still having some issues. So you want to make it so that if someone browses to yoursite.com/Members, they are presented with the directory listing script, which will show only the contents of yoursite.com/Members/Documents One thing I did notice is your directory url – this would need to be set to the location of where the index.php file is. Links would then automatically be worked out to be inside the Documents folder as this is set on your startDirectory setting. Other than the directoryUrl your settings do look correct.

Give this change a try to see if it rectifies the issue for you. If you’re still having issues after this please let me know and we can try a few other options. John Mosow November 11, 2015 at 6:11 pm First, I put the script in the base folder that is to be browsed. So in my case, I put the index.php in my Documents directory which has subfolders and files I want to show. Here are the settings in the script: public $startDirectory = ‘.’; public $includeUrl = true; public $directoryUrl = ‘Now everything is working as I need it to.

FYI, I put some code in this to get the user name for my password protected directory. If they are an admin, they can do all of the folder/file maintenance. Otherwise, the user can only browse and open files.

Anders Skjoldebrand January 02, 2016 at 3:18 pm Hi Rick, This is really a fantastic script and a very nice upgrade from version 3. Questions: How can we tell which version is out there to be downloaded? I can tell my currently downloaded version is 4., nov 11 2015. Then I also see version 4.0.3 being mentioned in your post on the same date? I also noticed the the VIEWPORT arguments produces an error – not being recognized since they were separated by “;” instead of “,”. I use OS X Safari. Would it make sense to also include a default setting or placement in the code for the “datedefaulttimezoneset” since servers tend to complain.

Also a nice addition would be to have ( “UTF-8” in my case ) placed in the code. This would make it easier to remember. John Mosow November 12, 2015 at 2:25 pm I would like to split the script out to make it easier to manage. For example, I would split the user settings into one file and the sections with the image coding into another. This would make it 1) easier to implement new versions of the script without having to reenter my custom settings and 2) make it easier to use with online editors. The script is so large that my online editors have a tough time with this. Any suggestions on how to do this or would you be willing to split it up as part of your standard package?

Rick Mills November 20, 2015 at 10:52 am Hi John, That’s an interesting idea. The script was originally designed to be compact so that you could just drop a single file into a directory and be ready to go. Offering an ‘advanced’ version that’s split out may be something we can look at for a future update. If you’d like to attempt it yourself, the first thing I’d do is move the DirectoryListing php class at the top of the file into it’s own php file. Then including it into the index file. You could then also move the CSS and Javascript out into their own files. This’d leave you with a fairly small index file.

Alternatively, if its just the settings you’d like to move out, simply create a new php file (say ‘settings.php’) and create an array of your settings inside it. Then include this file at the top of the index.php file, and update the variables to retrieve the values from your settings file. So if you had an array that had, for example: $settings = array( ‘startDirectory’ = ‘files’ ); In the index file you’d update $startDirectory to be: $startDirectory = $settings‘startDirectory’; Remembering to include the settings file at the top with: include(‘./settings.php’). Eric June 22, 2016 at 6:40 pm I’ve been using this script for many years.

I also needed to split the script so I could support multiple client folders with one install. At the time, I moved the dlf folder up one directory and divided the index file in 3 sections: – index.php: contained settings info, one copy in each client folder. – access.php: (stored in the dlf directory) contained the password-protected restrictions I added, since that was not part of the script at the time. – engine.php: (stored in the dlf directory) contained all the magic I had to do some tweaks for the paths to be found, but it was straightforward. This allowed me to easily add a new client folder, copy the index.php file and adjust the settings for that specific client. I’ll try to do the same to the new version and I’ll be happy to share it with you. Rick Mills November 20, 2015 at 10:38 am Hi Brian, You may find you need to tweak the value in your $startDirectory value.

Lets say your index.php is located at yoursite.com/files/ but you want to show files located at yoursite.com/downloads/ you’d need to set $startDirectory to ‘downloads’. Alternatively, if you leave the $startDirectory field blank, it’ll show files wherever your index.php file is located. One final thing to check is permissions on the files, along with the file types – there’s a list of file types that’ll be hidden, so if for example you’ve got php files they’ll be hidden as default. You can change this by editing the $ignoredFileExtensions variable. If you’re still having issues after trying these options, could you let me know your folder names and locations in relation to the index.php file to help work out why your files aren’t showing. Brian November 20, 2015 at 8:07 pm I have my index.php file located at the root of my site and there are a bunch of folders at the root of the site.

Inside the folders, are a bunch of PDFs that I want to display (and sub folders). The only way I can even get the script to show up anything when I pull up the site is to enter the complete folder path in the “startDirectory” variable. If I leave it at “.” I get nothing.

I have left ignored files at the default setting. Apache has ownership of all the files and directories here and I don’t think there is a permissions problem. Other, similar php scripts display everything just fine. Thanks for your help. Rick Mills November 23, 2015 at 10:19 am Hi Brian, Very odd – I can’t seem to replicate the issue you’re having at all here. If you drop the “.” from the startDirectory you’ll likely see no files, however with it, you should be seeing files and/or directories there unless the $showSubDirectories variable is set to false.


Could I ask what your server setup is like? – Linux or Windows – Apache (or other httpd server) version – PHP Version Hopefully I can then set up a matching environment here and replicate the issue and get it fixed for you. Rick Mills February 02, 2016 at 3:54 pm Hi Brian, You’ll need to make a minor modification to the script to do this however it’s fairly easy to do.

Using the latest version, scroll down to around like 1097 and you should see a line like this: Comment out or remove this line. The just slightly further up you should see this: ” Again, comment out or remove this. This will remove the entire last modified column from display. David Xie January 26, 2016 at 7:50 pm Hi There, Thanks a lot for the work. It works good. Though, I had to make some changes to this script.

The Script Long Gone

I need to make the script to have password for admin users, and admin users can login and do delete/create. Public user cannot do anything except for viewing. I make the page to support UTF-8, so that binary language can be supported. There is no way to upload the updated PHP file, but if you need it, please send me a email, I will mail to you. I return this updated script is just to appreciate your work. Thanks a lot!

Irfan Alam February 03, 2016 at 3:40 pm It is working for current folder but when it enters that folder then the link is again getting changed back to ‘&’ instead of%26 For Ex: There is a folder index/folder&one/folder&two/folder&three and I am at index level. The link for the first folder is showing like this So clicking on this is working fine. Now I am in folder&one and wanted to enter folder&two The link for the second folder is showing like this So clicking on this is leading me to folder index/folder Which is not a folder and hence showing no file in it. Manually entering like this is working fine.

Now I am in index/folder&one/folder&two and wanted to enter folder&three The link is showing like this Clicking on this is leading me to folder index/folder which is not a folder. Please look on this! Anders Skjoldebrand February 04, 2016 at 11:17 pm Rick, Unexpected behavior.

I have turned of all options to allow upload, delete files and directories IOW only subdirectories and files are visible. This work fine on the initial folder, but as I move down to the next subdirectory, all the options I turned off are now visible. And as I move down one subdirectory further, all options are visible and on top of this files with e.g “php” are starting to show up. Is this in any way dependent upon how the “startdirectory” or “$includeUrl” options are set? Anders Skjoldebrand February 11, 2016 at 12:12 pm RICK, Yes, the unwanted files have now been suppressed with version 4.0.5.

Unfortunately, the file names starting with non-ASCII characters are still missing their first character and cannot be displayed. Also, when options, such delete and upload files, are turned off in the script, they are certainly hidden at the top level, but as you move down a level to the next subdirectory, they appear as if they have never been turned off.

The Script Long Gone And Moved On Lyrics

I tried to document this in a mail to “info@.”. Steve June 14, 2016 at 3:51 pm Hi, Setup is Win Server 2012 R2, IIS 8, PHP 5.6. I have a folder specified in the StartDirectory and its displaying fine, and all the breadcrumb links work fine as I navigate around. However, the link to “Index” gets set to “./” and that causes navigation to failjust displays “This directory does not contain any files” with no other links. The url in the browser shows “.if I manually just remove the “.” and make the url “it displays correctly. This must be a windows thingas I haven’t heard anybody else say anything about it. Do you know what I can do to make it display the “Index” link correctly?

Thanks for a great script! I love this thing! Mario Hofer February 05, 2017 at 11:32 pm I just came up to this site so solve my problem with an easy directory listing scrip. I liked the password option and flexibility. A bit annoying was the wrong link generation for the files – it worked with a direct download from the browser, but not if the link is passed to a different application / browser addin. As a newbe to php I just found the following solution to “erase” the script name in the links in the html table creation part: href=”” Maybe that helps someone.

Jim Fulmis April 24, 2017 at 6:02 pm I would really like to use this script but I cannot get it to list files. I tried another php directory lister & it works just fine but I would prefer to use this one. I’m on php 5.6 & my folder permission is 755, files are 644. I hope you can help with this. I had an audio file that was an m4a which thru an error. The I added that extension in & no more errors so it’s scanning the files but says “This directory does not contain any files” every time. Please advise.

Judgedredd June 09, 2017 at 4:13 am Hi, I was using version 3 for years for displaying files in a directory which also had sub-directories (total of about 50,000 files +). Recently I discovered that the script was causing problems with large file downloads. I had a few large files of 450MB or more and I was notified that these files failed to download properly. When I tested it out for myself these large files would stop between 450 and 500MB in download amount. This came to light when I uploaded files for downloading that were 3.4GB in size. These files allowed anyone to duplicate my database of files on their computer (important archival material for anyone to read and study).

Is there a download size limit in your newest script (ver. I tried your latest version (I can’t find ver.4.05) and there was an fatal error on the finfo class. Not sure if my hosting company will enable the fileinfo extension as they usually don’t allow ay customization on my shared hosting plan. I have reverted back to ver.

3 until I hear from you about the above issues. Johan August 15, 2017 at 11:51 am Hi, installed and tested the script today. Thanks for providing it! Everything works beautifully EXCEPT for the fact that swedish characters are either removed from directory and file names (on local dev server) or shown and handled incorrectly (on production server).

I’m using apache and has set it up both servers with htaccess directives: AddCharset UTF-8.html.php.css.js DefaultLanguage svSE Any tips on where I should start troubleshooting would be helpful. About Evoluted Evoluted is a digital agency and design agency based in Sheffield, South Yorkshire. We offer a range of web design services including: web development, e-commerce services, SEO services and email marketing. We also offer a range of graphic design services including logo design and exhibition stands. We’ve had the pleasure of working with some fantastic clients over the years, from well known brands to small start-up companies, from travel and leisure to recruitment and property.

We love working with clients of all sizes in a range of industry sectors, creating and implementing inspiring and hard working concepts and campaigns for business-business and business-consumer clients.